Tuesday, October 5, 2010

They never came.

You sold all your life to buy them flowers,walked over thorns to pluck roses,
But with time those petals faded,like the name you gave.

Yet they never came, Not even to put flowers on your grave


  1. what u wrote is really beautiful and moving . Are u really a street walker ? maybe u just feel for them , right? anyways if u are really one, then u r definitely the most classy one i know. I dont care whether or not u are , and if u are then what forced u into the profession, i just want to say , very moving poetry , keep it up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes am a street walker. :P
    for my dreams are, without a home.

    That doesn't means i live on streets, but these
    dreams,feelings, emotions do.

    Its a name for the inner me :}
    If i start describing, it will be the most stupid thing on earth. and sound too silly.

    now before you stop reading this, Let me tell you "thankyou" :} for stopping and watching my foot walks. :}

    the blog's previous name was FOOTWALKS. :}

    thank you


  4. "Without a home"? "Live on streets"? thats not what i meant. u DO know what a street walker is, right? neways , whatever , its cool . peace out :)

  5. I know. what you mean.

    But the name is not written in that sense.

    the name keeps changing from foot walks to street walker timely.or street artist. its in that frame of mind.

    and well. to feel for them?

    they are playing their set of roles,cos we took the rest. I rather feel pity for us
    who creates such a society, then treats them as dirt.

  6. Well we are a pitiable bunch all right. And no doubt its a shit world, but is it any wonder society has turned out the way it has ? Coz no matter how much we deny it, the hard truth is that we r all d same inside and no matter what u do u cant change human nature

  7. We cant change human nature. Nor do i wish to.

    all I want is the save myself. And not get changed in that process. I may be selfish.

    but i am.

  8. And just using it an excuse, and not even trying..or doing your share of work is nonsense/
