I welcome you
I welcome you,
To the realm of my silence,
Look at the upright walls
Touch them with your cold hands,
Stone by stone,
Every clinker,
Is bricked up from your words
Ah! Watch the embrasures within
You have reared them too
Gap on gap
Every crack
Is fired with your fake paroles
I welcome you,
To the euphony of my soul,
Listen to the music
Carry it over to your core
chord by chord
Every key
Is played by your fibs
Do hear the songs in-between
You have crooned them too
Phrase by phrase
Every lyric
Is pitched by your perfidies
I welcome you again
To the tomb of my heart
Conceive its love
Feel the veiled romance
Beat by beat
Every pulse
Is fetching you its love
Oh!See those bolshy lines running down
You have indited them too
Valve upon valve
Every part
Is stabbed by your stalking scars
My love
as you walk inside me,
You can see at every site I bleed
Passels of pains are present in every drib,
For namesake this realm belongs to me
All splits are subbing sands of your memory,
Every corner is filled with love I still hold,
You are the real ruler of this demesne
My soul is full of holes,
Hazy circular circles
Still somehow I can dig the unscathed parts
To build a grave within me
I will Bury all my remains
Iwill forget all that pain
I will build my kingdom once again
For its not just love I hold for you
Its something more, something divine
That helps me to shrive all your sins
So my love, Just come near me,
I will hold you close to me So close that no one will ever be.
I know you will never come close to me
I know you will never return
To this manse of broken feels,
Still I will wait for you forever,
Although together forever is a dream
I know this life will pass on
and I will suffer more than you have done
still I will wait for you my love
I will wait till eternity
I will wait till eternity
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