Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It rained ..

IT rained ..
[from the guy to the girl]

They say there's always a person in a relationship who loves more.

*Then why did WE both cry when . . .
*Why do we care so much for each other even though we did nothing for each other, yet everything.

I Hate Myself for Loving you more than myself

*Why do I never lust for you like others.
*Even when I kiss you in my dreams, why do I try make it as gentle and pure like a feather-touch.
*Why do I love you when I know I might not be loved back.
*Yet loving you NEVER made me sad.
*Why baby, why ?
She cried
*I hate myself for making you cry.
*My punishment : I'll make you smile for the rest of my life.
*Yes baby, I LOVE YOU

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Night of love.

Dainty moonlight above…. lonely beach besides…
Silver starlight adjoins …… tangles the red tides…

Beamy sand whistles ….. Echoes Sea’s berceuse….
Bemused in its rhyme……..we evince through eyes…..

In-between the lines…….we hear our heartbeats….
While waves barge in….Dousing our feet……

Cold wind tingles up... …warming up lusty desires….
Escalating the silence…… Crashing the crossfire…..

As the racy night runs …… A new love is born……….
Above the sea’s might …….our embrace forms a song…

A soft kiss ensue ecstasy…..a touch flavours that tone…
Nothing else matters tonight……just you and me alone…..

Time seems to stop…….as we mark a new Outset……
The wine appears to gleam…..as we tend to celebrate………

Crisscrossing the glasses……we take the sips…………
Certain words you whisper…as your fingers coddle my lips…

Asking me swiftly……baby, is your love true?
Will you leave this world… to blend me in you?
From this mortal race………I want to fly away…
To build that castle of dreams…. Where we can stay…
In one soul we will reside…conquer life, conquer death…
Will you hold my hands….if its gonna give you just pain…
Will you ever repent…for the blinded trust you put?
Will you ever regret…for if I hide something from you?
Tell me sweetheart…….. Will it be wrong?
If I choose something for you. ..Without your consent?

Gliding away swiftly….Over your arms I lease …
Rustling upon your breathe……my voice I loose …

Sweetheart, I love you more than this life……
For the trust I put…i will never repent…………..
For whatever you choose…I will never regret………….
And so I have never hollered …when I saw that deed done…
You still feel I don’t know…but I saw that slip from your hands
Those driblets of poison dripping ….into that wine we had………..

I know This life wont allow us to live…..
…our love would be forced to cease……
So if we can’t be together in this life. ...
........we will die together to reunite….
For our breaths shall move forever….or shall stop together ………
And infact it’s the night I cherish,
............through death you have given me a new life…
Its nothing wrong, for whatever you have choosed is perfect…
It’s the perfect date, the perfect night,
...........the perfect love I have met in my life…. ............
...........the perfect love i will get by death..............